What to do with unwanted knickers?

A lot of people have a lot of fun with their knickers, but sometimes you just have to get rid of them. Here are a few ideas of what you can do with your unwanted knickers:

1. If they are still in good condition, you can donate them to a local charity or thrift store.

2. If they are not in good condition, you can recycle them.

3. If you really don’t want anyone to have them, you can always throw them away.

There are a few options for what to do with unwanted knickers. One option is to donate them to a local thrift store or charity. Another option is to sell them online to a consignment or secondhand shop. Finally, some people may choose to simply discard them in the trash.

What can you do with old undies?

There are a few different ways that you can recycle your old underwear. If the underwear is made of 100 percent cotton, you can compost it and it will eventually break down and become part of your garden. You can also take it to a textile recycling centre or drop-off point. Another option is to turn them into rags, which can be used for cleaning or other purposes. Finally, if the underwear is still in good condition, you can donate it to a thrift store or other organisation.

Many clothing banks request only wearable donations, but there are also dedicated textile banks that will shred your items and transform them into insulation or packaging. If you don’t want to donate your textile waste, you can also keep it for yourself.

What do you usually do with old clothing that you no longer want or need

Textile and fabric recycling is a great way to give your old clothes a new life. Clothing banks are a great way to recycle your old clothes and you can find them in supermarkets and local car parks. Visit Recycle Now to find one near you.

Once they have reached their lifetime, which is considerably longer than that of a pad, WUKA Pants can then be recycled at your local clothing recycling centre. This is a great way to reduce waste and help the environment.

Can you give knickers to charity?

While used underwear isn’t something that a charity shop is likely to be grateful for, clothing banks can make use of them. Even the holiest underwear will be sorted and separated for recycling or to be sold by weight to rag merchants. This is a great way to make sure that even your used and worn items can be put to good use.

If you have old clothes that are too damaged to donate, you can take them to a clothing bank. These organizations may be able to use the material that is still in good condition.

Can you put bras in clothes recycling?

Bras that are in ‘new’ condition can be sold online or donated to charity. Bras that are unsuitable for re-use can be recycled in clothing and textile containers.

We appreciate your interest in donating to our cause, however we cannot accept clothing that is damaged or dirty. This includes undergarments, shirts with holes, or shorts with a weird smell. If you are unsure about an item, please try to clean it or remove any spots or stains before donating. Thank you for your understanding!

What do charity shops do with clothes they can’t sell

If you have clothes which you don’t wear anymore, donating them to charity is a great way to give them a new life and also help people in need. Even if the clothes are old or have holes in them, they can still be used – for example, clothes which can’t be sold in the shop will be sold to textile recycling companies, so they still make money for the charity. So next time you have a clear out, remember that your unwanted clothes could make a real difference to someone else’s life.

While the study’s finding may seem like a lot, it’s important to remember that a “sufficient” wardrobe doesn’t mean a person has to have a ton of clothes. Instead, it simply means that they have enough clothes to create a variety of different outfits. So, while 74 garments may sound like a lot, it’s really not if it allows a person to mix and match their clothing to create 20 different outfits.

What is the lifespan of period pants?

To care for your period pants, simply wash them on a regular basis with your other clothes. You can machine wash them on a warm setting, or hand wash them if you prefer. Hang them to dry, or machine dry on a low setting.

I’m not a huge fan of disposable diapers. Not only are they pricey, but they’ll outlive you in landfill, taking a whopping 300 to 500 years to decompose due to the plastic backing, adhesive strips and packaging. Plus, they generate a ton of waste. One way to reduce your diaper footprint is to use reusable diapers. There are many different types and styles of reusable diapers available, so you can find one that fits your needs.

Are period pants good for the environment

Reusable period panties are a more environmentally friendly option than single use alternatives like tampons and pads. This is because period panties can last for up to 2 years with proper care, and use recyclable materials and textiles like recycled cotton.

Appliances and equipment can pose a safety hazard if not used properly. therefore it is important to read the safety instructions carefully before using any appliance. Some appliances, such as microwaves and electric fires, should not be used without adult supervision. Oil heaters, petrol or diesel fuelled items, and computer hard drives can also pose a safety hazard if not used properly. Bicycles should also be used with caution, as they can pose a safety hazard if not ridden properly. All types of protective headgear, such as helmets, should be worn when using any type of bicycle.

Do charities take tights?

If you have any new or unworn tights that you would like to donate or sell, consider donating them to your local charity shop or selling them on eBay. Tights often go to waste because they are not worn often, so by donating or selling them, you are helping to reduce waste and give them to someone who may appreciate them more.

There are many options for donating bras. The Bra Recyclers, Harper Wilde’s ‘Recycle, Bra’ Program, and Free The Girls are all great options. I support the I Support the Girls organization, which provides bras and other personal hygiene items to women in need.

Can pantyhose be donated

If you have gently used pantyhose that you no longer want, you may be able to donate them to a local thrift shop or secondhand store. Some stores have restrictions on what types of clothing they accept, so be sure to check first. Many stores also have textile recycling programs, so even if they can’t resell your pantyhose, they may be able to recycle them.

If you have any unwanted or unloved bras, now is the time to recycle them! Our bra recycling scheme takes your bras and through our network of bra banks raises vital funds for pioneering breast cancer research. The same bras also help to support small businesses in developing countries in Africa and around the world. So please don’t hesitate to recycle your bras – it’s a great way to help support important causes!


There are a few options for what to do with unwanted or old knickers. One option is to donate them to a local charity or thrift store. Another option is to cut them up and use them as cleaning rags. Finally, some people like to recycle them by upcycling them into new items like a headband or a purse.

There are a few options for what to do with unwanted knickers. One option is to donate them to a local thrift store. Another option is to upcycle them into something else, such as a fabric bag or a headband. Finally, one could simply throw them away. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what to do with their unwanted knickers.

Irene is expert on women's lingerie. She is always up to date with latest trends and tips about women's luxury lingerie, nightwear, underwear and bras. More than 20 years spent in this industry makes her one of the best lingerie experts.

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