Why do my knickers always smell of wee?

The author of this article has discovered the reason why her knickers always smell of wee. It turns out that the bacteria that cause this unpleasant odor are actually present in the sweat glands of the skin. When these bacteria come into contact with the air, they release a foul-smelling gas. Thus, the author’s knickers always smell of wee because the bacteria that cause this odor are present in her sweat glands.

The most likely reason is that you are not washing them often enough. Urine is a waste product and contains bacteria that can cause an unpleasant smell. Washing your knickers regularly will help to keep them clean and fresh-smelling.

Why do my knickers smell weird?

It’s important to keep your vaginal area clean and healthy by washing daily and changing your underwear. This will help prevent any odors or infections.

If you notice that your urine smells strongly of ammonia, it could be a sign that you’re dehydrated and your pee is very concentrated. It could also be a sign of a UTI, diabetes, a bladder infection, or metabolic diseases. If you notice a strong smell before you flush, be sure to see a doctor to get checked out.

How do I stop smelling down there

There are a few things you can do to prevent vaginal odor:

-Practice good hygiene. This means showering regularly and only using mild, unscented soap and warm water to clean your vulva.

-Don’t douche. This can actually disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina and lead to more odor.

-Wear light, breathable clothing. This will help keep your vagina dry and free from sweat and other moisture that can cause odor.

-Drink plenty of water. This will help keep your entire body healthy and free from infection.

-Protect your vagina (and vaginal flora) during sex. This means using condoms and/or dental dams to prevent the transfer of bacteria and other organisms that can cause odor.

There is no need to worry about vaginal scents as they are usually normal. The vagina contains healthy bacteria that can produce an odor that varies for each person. If there is any concern, it is best to consult a doctor.

Should I be concerned about urine smell?

If you’re concerned about the odor of your urine, talk to your doctor. Most changes in urine odor are temporary and don’t mean you have a serious illness, particularly if you have no other symptoms. When an unusual urine odor is caused by an underlying medical condition, other symptoms are also present.

If you notice that your urine has a sweet smell, it could be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes or a rare disease of metabolism. Liver disease and certain metabolic disorders can also cause your urine to have a musty smell. If you’re concerned about the smell of your urine, talk to your doctor.

What are signs of cystitis?

There are a few different signs and symptoms of cystitis, which can include:

– Pain, burning or stinging when you pee

– Needing to pee more often and urgently than normal

– Urine that’s dark, cloudy or strong smelling

– Pain low down in your tummy

– Feeling generally unwell, achy, sick and tired.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment. Left untreated, cystitis can lead to more serious health problems.

It is important to keep your vagina clean and free from bacteria. This can be done by washing daily with warm water, using a gentle soap, and avoiding products that can cause irritation.

Why won’t the smell down there go away

If you’re experiencing a strong, fishy smell that won’t go away, it’s worth seeing a health care provider. Fishy smells are often associated with a type of vaginitis called bacterial vaginosis. Health care providers can prescribe medications to treat bacterial vaginosis and relieve the fishy odor.

There are a few foods and medications that can cause a noticeable urine odor. Asparagus and certain vitamins are two examples. Sometimes, an unusual urine odor can indicate a medical condition or disease, such as cystitis (bladder inflammation) or dehydration. If you’re concerned about your urine odor, talk to your doctor.

What diseases can cause your urine to smell?

Diabetes can cause a change in urine smell. This is due to the presence of ketones in the urine, which can happen when blood sugar levels are too high. People with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels closely and see a doctor if they notice a change in their urine smell.

Bladder fistula is a condition that can occur when there is an injury or defect that allows bacteria from the intestines to enter the bladder. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including a change in urine smell. If you think you may have a bladder fistula, you should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Liver disease can also cause a change in urine smell. This is because the liver is responsible for breaking down many substances in the body, including some that have a strong odor. If you have liver disease, you may notice that your urine smells stronger than usual.

Phenylketonuria is a condition that can cause a change in urine smell. This is because phenylketonuria can cause an increase in the level of phenylalanine in the body, which can lead to a build-up of phenylketones in the urine.

Maple syrup urine disease is another condition that can cause

If you’re looking to reduce the smell of your urine, there are a few things you can do. Avoid eating foods that are known to cause urine to smell, like asparagus. You can also try switching supplements if you think high levels of thiamin or choline may be to blame. Drinking plenty of water will also help to support hydration and kidney and urinary tract health. And finally, be sure to visit the bathroom as soon as you have the urge to go – holding it in can make urine smell stronger.

What are the signs of diabetes in a woman

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. These could be signs of diabetes, and the sooner you catch it, the better.

If you detect a hint of ammonia in your urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). The odor suggests that bacteria may be swimming around in your urinary system, most likely in your urethra, kidneys or bladder. If you think you might have a UTI, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

What Color Is pee diabetes?

If you have diabetes insipidus (a condition in which the body doesn’t make enough of the antidiuretic hormone, or ADH), you’ll continue to pee large amounts of watery (dilute), light-colored urine when normally you’d only pee a small amount of concentrated, dark yellow urine. Because your body is trying to rid itself of excess water, you may also have a dry mouth, be thirsty all the time, and feel tired.

Cystitis is a condition that results when the bladder becomes inflamed. This can be due to a variety of causes, but the most common is a bacterial infection. Other causes include:

– A reaction to a medication

– A blockage in the urinary tract

– An injury to the bladder

– A foreign body in the urinary tract

– Cancer

Can you get rid of cystitis yourself

If you are experiencing cystitis, there are a few things you can do to help ease the pain. You can buy over-the-counter cystitis treatments, such as cystitis sachets, which contain potassium or sodium citrate. These can help to relieve some of the pain and discomfort you may be feeling. Cystitis usually clears up on its own within a few days, so it is important to drink plenty of fluids and avoid holding in your urine to help speed up the recovery process.

The study found that women who drank an extra 15 liters of water per day had 50% fewer episodes of cystitis and didn’t need to take antibiotics as often as those who didn’t drink extra water.


The main reason why your knickers might always smell of wee is because you are not washing them properly. You should make sure to wash your knickers in hot water with a strong detergent. You should also make sure to wash them separately from your other clothes. Additionally, you might want to consider using a lingerie bag when you wash your knickers in the washing machine.

The conclusion to this topic could be that the individual is not properly washing their underwear or they have a urinary tract infection.

Irene is expert on women's lingerie. She is always up to date with latest trends and tips about women's luxury lingerie, nightwear, underwear and bras. More than 20 years spent in this industry makes her one of the best lingerie experts.

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