Why do my knickers smell so good?

This is a question that many people have. The answer is simple. Your knickers smell so good because you are wearing them. When you wear something, your body heat and the natural oils from your skin make the fabric intimate with your body. This is why your knickers smell so good.

The answer to this question may vary depending on the person asking, but some possible reasons why knickers may smell good include the fabric they are made of, the detergent used to wash them, or natural body odor. Additionally, some people may simply enjoy the smell of their own knickers.

Why do my knickers smell sweet?

A yeast infection of the vagina can produce a sweet smell, similar to that of honey or cookies. The vagina might also smell like beer, flour, or bread. It can also smell sour sometimes. Intense burning, itching, or feelings of dryness usually accompany yeast infections.

The research, which is published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, suggests that men can use body odor as a cue to a woman’s sexual arousal.

The study found that men rated the body odor of sexually aroused women as more attractive than the body odor of non-aroused women.

The study’s lead author, Dr. George Fieldman, said that the findings suggest that body odor may be a “powerful determinant” of sexual attraction.

Dr. Fieldman said that the findings could have implications for the use of scent in marketing and for the development of new products, such as perfumes, that could enhance sexual attraction.

Can guys smell when a girl is on her period

A woman’s body odor is strongest during menstruation and men who are particularly sensitive to smells can detect this change in her scent.

These findings suggest that the chemical signal of a woman’s scent alone can elicit a sexual response in men. This is likely because men are able to detect the scent of a woman’s arousal, which is a cue for them to become sexually motivated.

What do women’s pheromones smell like?

Androstenone is a naturally-occurring compound that can be found in sweat and urine. It is also present in some plants and animals, including pigs. When humans come into contact with androstenone, it can cause a variety of reactions, depending on the person. Some people may find it to have a sweet smell, like flowers or vanilla, while others may find it to be foul-smelling, like sweat or urine.

Ovulation is the time when a woman is most fertile and therefore more attractive to men, according to multiple scientific studies. This is the 12 to 24-hour window when the ovaries release an egg ready for fertilization. During ovulation, women are more likely to dress in sexier clothing and flirt more with men. They also tend to have more sex and feel more confident and sexy.

What smells turn a woman on?

Aphrodisiac scents are said to include pumpkin, lavender, vanilla, cinnamon, peppermint, and ginger. Although some people are skeptical about the use of these scents, there have been studies that show that many of them actually do work in terms of increasing libido and sexual desire. This makes them easy to incorporate into anyone’s fragrance routine.

Your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and temperature all increase when you become aroused. This is due to the increased blood flow to your nipples, labia, and clitoris. These areas of your body become more sensitive as they fill with blood. You may also notice that your vagina begins to lubricate itself.

Why do men sniff neck

A man may sniff his partner’s neck or hair for a variety of reasons. Some men do it because it feels satisfying or pleasurable to them. Others do it because it makes them feel more secure and loved. If your man sniffs your neck while you are both already in an intimate position, that act is probably for your pleasure.

Pumpkin pie and lavender is a great combination for increasing arousal in men. 40% of men tested showed increased arousal when exposed to this scent combination. Other scents that are known to increase arousal in men include jasmine, black licorice, cinnamon, vanilla, banana nut bread, and citrus.

Can guys smell female hormones?

Some bodily smells are pleasant and new research suggests they might appeal to more than our noses. Straight men find the smell of women’s reproductive hormones attractive, scientists report today in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The discovery suggests women’s body odor is a cue for fertility.

There are some fragrant notes that men find particularly attractive on women. Light florals such as jasmine and lavender are captivating, while musk and sandalwood can be seductive. Fresh citrusy scents are also attention-grabbing.

Where do females release pheromones

Pheromones are chemicals that are released into the environment and serve as a form of communication between members of the same species. They can be found in a number of different body secretions, including sweat, urine, saliva, and breast milk. Pheromones from women are typically secreted in greater amounts than those from men.

If you’re looking to increase your sex drive, the best time to do it is during and immediately after your period. Progesterone levels are lowest during this time, while estrogen levels are gradually increasing. This combination can lead to increased horniness and a higher sex drive.

Whats the longest cycle a girl can have?

Menstrual cycles can vary greatly from woman to woman, with the average being around 28 days. However, cycles that are shorter or longer than this, from 23 to 35 days, are still considered to be normal. Every woman is different, so it’s important to pay attention to your own body and cycles in order to best understand what is normal for you.

Previous studies have shown that smells affect the hormones and subsequent mating habits of animals. The new study, published last month in the journal Psychological Science, suggests that olfactory cues signalling a woman’s ovulation – her most fertile time – can prime men to have sex with them.

The study found that men who were exposed to a woman’s natural body odour during her fertile phase were more likely to rate her as attractive and to say they would have sex with her than men who were exposed to her body odour during her non-fertile phase.

So, it seems that a woman’s natural body odour can be a powerful aphrodisiac for men, and that the smell of a woman’s ovulation may be a cue that triggers a man’s sexual desire.

What smell is seductive

As Ricci describes, these scents are known for their power to attract and provoke aphrodisiac reactions. While each scent has its own unique ability to tantalize the senses, they all work together to create an overall atmosphere of desire and passion. Whether you’re looking to stir up some romance in your life or simply want to enjoy the pleasure of wearing these sensual scents, they are sure to add some spice to your day!

There are many different scents that can be considered aphrodisiacs, but these are eight of the most popular according to experts. Pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and vanilla are all great choices for setting a sexy mood. Champaca, the scent of J’adore Dior’s perfume, is also said to be very aphrodisiac. And lavender, while not as traditionally sexy, is a very calming and relaxing scent that can help put you in the mood.


The best way to keep your knickers smelling good is to make sure you wash them regularly. You should also avoid wearing them for more than one day in a row. Additionally, you can try using a fabric softener or dryer sheet when you wash them. If you notice that your knickers are starting to smell bad, you should wash them immediately.

There are a few reasons why your knickers might smell good. It could be that you’ve recently washed them with a strong-smelling laundry detergent, or that you’re wearing a brand new pair of knickers. It could also be that you have a naturally occurring body odor that happens to smell good to you. Whatever the reason, it’s important to make sure that you keep your knickers clean and fresh-smelling so that you can feel confident and comfortable in them.

Irene is expert on women's lingerie. She is always up to date with latest trends and tips about women's luxury lingerie, nightwear, underwear and bras. More than 20 years spent in this industry makes her one of the best lingerie experts.

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